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Nick Cuzzone

Nick Cuzzone photo Nick Cuzzone

Link to Contact Nick

Iam a recent graduate of Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. Strength and Conditioning was my focus at Carroll and I also recently completed an internship with the Harvard University Strength and Conditioning Department in Cambridge, Massachusetts where I spend over 1,000 hours working with the largest Division 1 athletic department in the country.  During my time at Harvard I worked hands on with the Strength and Conditioning staff to improve the strength, speed, power, conditioning, mobility, and recovery of the athletes at Harvard University. I worked exclusively with the football, baseball, men/women’s basketball, softball, men/women’s hockey, and men’s lacrosse.

My Strength and Conditioning Philosophy is simple:

  • My two main objectives as a strength coach are to decrease an athletes risk of injury, and to maximize their athletic potential.
  • I use three types of movements in my programs
    • Ground Based Movements – We play sports with our feet on the ground therefore we must train with our feet on the ground.
    • Multi-Joint Movements – Allows us to be more efficient with our movements. Standing around doing bicep curls will not make you a better athlete!
    • 3 Dimensional Movements – Sports are not always played in a straight line therefore we must train in all three planes of motion.