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Chris Lee

Chris Lee photo Chris Lee

My work stands out simply because I care and understand. I’ve been overweight and there’s nothing that can compare to a trainer who has been in a clients’ shoes before. I will push you, take you to the next level of fitness, and help you achieve your goals. Whether it’s decreasing body fat, gaining muscle, increasing flexibility, WE will get it done together. There will be plenty of methods to choose from as well: Weights, TRX, resistance training, calisthenics, boxing, and kickboxing!

What I do for a living, it gives people hope, results, and happiness. To me, there’s nothing better than that. Personal training changes lives, and I’m honored to be a part of this industry.


  • Personal training (ISSA, NASM, Action)
  • Trx training
  • Kettlebell training (IKFF)
  • Nutrition (ISSA)